This is what my life has been like since school started (see the mess below). I think in my last post (or in my head…) I said that “when school starts I’ll have so much more time!” Wrong. My day begins at 6:30 when I throw on some shorts, get the boys up and ready, pack snacks, brush teeth and hair, throw some breakfast their way and we are out the door by 7:05 (NOT 7:10). Drop them off then head back home (with Mallory). Feed her, dress her, make her lunch, shower and get myself ready. She goes to school at 9:00 and then from 9-12:15 I look like the below. Running from place to place piling stuff in my car, eating Chick Fil A from here to there. Living off Frapaccinos. I pick the boys up at 12:30, then Mal at 1:00 and we head home to feed the boys lunch, do homework, etc. Then it’s time to check email, Facebook (ALL Applique Cafe of course) and TRY to get some work done with 53 interruptions and an hour of checking homework and listening to B whine about having to do homework. Next thing I know it’s dinner time, soccer practice or something. THEN it’s bath time, bedtime and by 10:00 I’m exhausted and go to bed knowing I get to do it all over again the next day! When does this end? Please don’t say ‘never’…. did I mention laundry?
I did manage to get a baby-on-the-way order done last week, or the week before. I can’t remember. All the weeks are running together. I strung ribbon in between columns on my front porch so I could display them all cute for my post! This is the Applique Cafe Tree Truck, Puppy Stocking and Turkey 2 design, all found at Applique Cafe of course. Font = MWP Tipsy.
Below… App Cafe Golf Ball and Golf Green design on each side. The Airplane ~~~ another site I don’t remember?? It’ll come to me in my sleep tonight! It’s a design I’ve had f-o-r-e-v-e-r!! Font: MWP Tipsy and Library.
And… App Cafe Puppy Patch, Football Goal and then the Circle Applique Alphabet from Applique Market. Michael Archer font: MWP Library.
I’ve done a similar baby gift for this customer and she “strings” all of the items up at the baby shower. Super cute and how fun for the mom!! (Note: the bibs are from a local children’s boutique and the burps are from – 4×6 ply. The onesies and romper are from ~ Apples and Oranges brand.)
I did 9 onesies this week and will post a picture of a few of those next post, which will hopefully be next week! Have a great weekend!
mmm…. your day sounds like mine! Except you do have earlier pick up than I do. 1pm for the youngest and 3:15 for the older two. Where does the time go??? Makes my head spin thinking of all to do and needs to be done and what didn’t get done!
Love the baby outfits. Very cute! Waiting on MWP to have another sale … I think I need those fonts!
Your days sound like mine! Except you have an earlier pick up … my youngest at 1 (except for 2 days he stays till 2:30) and the older two at 3:15. Where does the time go?? It just flies by so quickly w/my list growing and not much being checked off.
Love the baby outfits. Waiting on Needleheads to have another sale – I think I need to get those fonts!
I think these are wonderful! May I ask if you hoop your onesies and what stabilizers do you use? I am getting ready to do one myself and I am terrified!
I do hoop my onesies and use medium cutaway stabilizer.
Thanks for the post! It makes my life with an 11 month old seem pretty boring. But, I sure wouldn’t trade it for anything. 🙂 I have a question about the blanks you sew on. Do you make a profit from them? Or do you sell them for what you get them for? If this is to personal, you can forget it all together or email me directly. Thanks in advance!
The onesies were sent to me by the customer. I bought the bibs and provided the burp cloths. It really depends on what the design is? I usually charge $10-12 for an applique so I probably wouldn’t charge $16 for a burp cloth.
Love the front seat of your car! Looks familiar!
Yes, one day it will end and many years from now you will even miss it a little! My “kids” are in their 30’s now and sometimes I miss those days! I get over it pretty quick tho! LOL Enjoy them while they are young! They grow up and leave you soon enough! : )
If we had a chick fil A here then my day would feel a lot like yours. And my husband never understands why my car is a mess!! You did get an impressive amount of sewing done — the baby items look beautiful!! My accomplishment for the week was a birthday shirt made with your jet applique – cutest shirt ever. Thanks so much! – joanne
Like the women above I also feel your pain. I thought once my oldest started kindergarten (this year) I would have more time on my hands. Now I feel like my day has just gotten shorter. I have a 2 year old and a newborn at home. The 2 year old has to get down for a nap by 12:00 ish so she can be up to leave for carline at 2:10. That means all errands need to be done and we need to be home for lunch by 11:30. Not much accomplished when you are trying to nurse a 1 month old and struggling to get out of the house by 9:30-10:00 (thankfully my husband does the morning drop off of the kindergartener when he’s in town). I have a small custom children’s clothing business and I stopped taking orders before the baby was born (August) and decided back then I would not be taking regular fall/winter orders and I would try to start back in January–well I just don’t think the hour and half nap time is ever going to be enough to get email, sewing, bookkeeping accomplished. Guess I’ll have to take it one day at a time. My question though is, do all the schools in your area only go half a day? I would actually really prefer that schedule! Wouldn’t trade this crazy time of life though–it will be over so quickly and then we will be the sweet old lady in the grocery store telling the frenzied mom to enjoy it while it lasts. Love your site thanks for all the great tips!
My kids go to a classical christian school so they do get out at 12:30. They do your basics all morning and then after school you can do art and all that. We love it!
That is such a nice option 🙂
I purchased a couple of your appliqué s not to long ago. I feel like an idiot, but I can’t seem to figure it out! When I open it up it looks like a picture that I have to trace and make into an appliqué myself. Can you help me? I have PE design Next ( If that matters)
Thanks so much! Kerri
Are you opening the embroidery file? Email me at
My My My – I was worn out just reading about your day. Remember those times very well – and quite
honestly miss all of the hustle and bustle – knowing exactly where my children are – who they are with – what they
are doing!!! Time goes by so very quickly. In just a snap your house will be quiet!
Now only hubby and myself at home — and I STILL can’t manage to get much done! LOL
Everything you created is awesome. Love your designs!!
I just checked out the Jiffy Shirts web-site. Isn’t there a source for good shirts at a good price – that isn’t
wholesale. ??