Merry Christmas 2014

First of all, I would like to wish everyone reading this a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!! If you are like me, it has really snuck up fast this year. I say that every year, and you’d think I didn’t know that Christmas was on December 25th every.single.year!! It’s not like Easter or Thanksgiving when you are never really sure when it might fall. It’s always December 25th, and it always sneaks up on me! I just mailed out my Christmas cards today, and a couple of hours ago I was still out at Hobby Lobby buying last minute gifts. I think I am done! Anyway, from these kiddos of mine to you, MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM APPLIQUE CAFE!!!


I am done shopping, and I am also done monogramming!! I monogrammed my last 5 or 6 items today, and other than monogramming a thing or two for my own children, I am D-O-N-E!!! Below is my “work organizer” that I got from Hobby Lobby. It’s EMPTY!!! Woo hoo!!!! I’m kinda hoping it stays that way until 2015…

photo (8)

Earlier today, this was my dining room table with everything DONE on it. Most was picked up today. I’ve been monogramming like crazy for the past week or two! Based on the likes on my Instagram photo, I’d say some of you are in the same boat! p.s. don’t you just love Emoji??


Lastly, December has been a hot month for Sew What-Pro software!! A lot of you are either buying or receiving (or both) SWP software for Christmas this year! So far it’s our TOP SELLER for the month! For more info on Sew What Pro, just search Sew What Pro or look for the TAG on the right column of my blog!

top sellers

Again, Merry Christmas and a big THANK YOU to all of our customers and blog readers out there! I know I don’t blog as much as I should, but I appreciate my readers and will try to do better in 2015!! 🙂


  1. Merry Christmas! Thank you for all your great tutorials and embroidery supply links. I saw the wire organizer at the store recently, loved it, but didn’t think I needed it. Now I can see why I must have it!