New Raggy

As a follow up to yesterday’s post, I finally got the “new raggy” shark tee out of the dryer and wanted to report that it washed (and dried) GREAT! Here’s the t-shirt I used (from Walmart). In hindsight it would be smarter to get a plain t-shirt in the biggest size you can find. That way you’d have more “knit” to use for other projects. I may get 1 more design out of this one if I’m lucky. Lesson learned. I might also go through the kids drawers and see if they have any old or stained tshirts I can use!

 Here it is again after I first appliqued the shirt. The red tee is a good ole Fruit of the Loom tee from Walmart as well.

 Closeup ~ I trimmed pretty closely around the stitching. Don’t forget the Heat N Bond Lite on your applique fabric!! I would say without it, this might end not end up so well. Wonder Under might work too ~ any fusible product.

Here is the design right out of the washing machine last night. So far so good.

And out of the dryer earlier today. I did run the iron over it once. I have a bad habit of letting clothes sit in the dryer for hours or days after they are dry. Basically everything I washed with this tee is still in the dryer and may still be there this weekend. With 3 kids laundry is an I digress…

 In summary, I’m so thrilled with how this turned out and am anxious to do more designs in this fashion! We will be listing this version with our next batch of new designs! In case you didn’t know, I personally test Applique Cafe designs (usually 5×7 size PES format) and I wanted to be sure this washed OK before I start a new trend (HA!). Knit could be used with any of our raggy designs and my head is spinning with more I’d love to do!


  1. Looks great! Love the color combo! I do these designs with knit often, but I skip the HNBL. The knit rolls and looks really neat, IMO. I also buy the knit by the yard. They have great options at Hobby Lobby and JoAnn, but I buy most of mine online.

    • Even though this one doesn’t have a lot of inner stitching, you wouldn’t use HNBL? Most raggy designs have inner stitching (if that makes sense). I need to try it without. I figured with this particular design it would pucker inside. Need to check out those places – I saw SOME at Joann this week.

      • No, I skip it! I think they look great. You can use spray adhesive to keep it taut when stitching, and I always touch mine up with the iron after washing and drying, and they look fine. I actually like how the knit gets rolly and raggy along the outside after it’s been washed.

      • OH – and Michael Miller has some awesome knits!

  2. Love it, a great way to use our old shirts!

  3. Elizabeth says

    Would a thin felt work well for this too? It seems like some of the Orient Expressed shirts I have purchased in the past had felt appliques.

  4. Thank you for this tutorial! I purchased this design awhile back and haven’t used it yet. My grandson, he’s 5, loves sharks. I am going to attempt to stitch this onto his backpack.